antiaging omnilux revive

What is Omnilux Revive™? 

Omnilux Revive™ is a non-invasive light therapy treatment that reduces the appearance of the visible signs of skin ageing. The treatment, suitable for both men and women, helps to minimise visible fine lines and wrinkles by assisting to naturally heal the skin without causing any cell damage.

Omnilux Revive™ is a completely painless, pure non-laser light source, that is not an ultraviolet or infra-red light.

Omnilux Revive nieuwe lichttherapie voor huidverbetering

What does Omnilux Revive™ involve?

Treatments will typically be 30 minutes. A course of 10 treatments is highly recommended!

You will feel an immediate effect after your first treatment, your skin will look clearer, brighter and smoother. Complete course of 10 treatments will ensure you the best possible results.

omnilux revive, anti ageing,  healthy skin

You will feel a pleasant, warm feeling under the light beam as the light surrounds your face. It is much like lying on the beach for 20 minutes without the harmful UVA, UVB or infra-red radiation.

Omnilux Revive lichttherapie voor huidverbetering

Omnilux Revive™ was developed after many years of medical research. The activation of photoacceptors is achieved with non-thermal light with no sub-dermal insult or damage to the tissue as seen with other light based therapy.

Omnilux Revive™ has been developed to closely match key photoacceptors, excluding all unnecessary wavelengths and delivering a narrow and continuous dosage at optimum power. There is no photobleaching, sebaceous gland disruption or tissue hyperthermia as seen with high intensity light sources and lasers.


Advantages of Omnilux Revive™

Both TGA and FDA approved.

Non-laser, non-IPL class IIa device.

No side effects or downtime.

Non-invasive, non-ablative therapy – “natural therapy”

No exogenous heat generated.

No damage to sub-dermal tissue.
