FORZIERI is the All-Italian Luxury Dream Store, shop top designer handbags and shoes at FORZIERI. A curated selection of women’s purses, men’s bags, designer shoes, jewelry and fashion accessories. Online fashion featuring the latest collections from over 200 ultra-exclusive brands, from the globally renowned designers to gem-like local artisans.
Specializing in one-of-a-kind Jewelry, Handbags, Leather Goods, Shoes, Men’s Accessories, Home Dècor and more, FORZIERI epitomizes the magic of Italian style in a magical virtual luxury loft.
Forzieri is a global luxury dream loft highly focusing on Italian and European brands. Exclusive fashion collections have been enchanting the world since 1998 by featuring cutting-edge emerging designers, undiscovered master artisans and iconic fashion houses.
Founded in 1992 as a family-owned boutique in Florence, Italy, today Forzieri has developed into a world-class online shopping landmark, transmitting its culture and atmosphere to more than 150 countries with flagships in Italy, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Russia, China, Japan and Australia.
Inspired by the Renaissance architecture of Florence’s historic panorama, a highly selected group of Italian brands together with premium European guest designers create a must-stop shopping experience that offers an irresistible peek into today’s ultra luxe lifestyle.
Luxury at Forzieri is not an issue of price, it’s a state of mind. From our petit gift ideas to our richest masterpieces, we strive to provide our clientele, every season, with an unparalleled mix that you could only dream of until now. A unique experience combined together with world-class customer service makes each client feel at home and exclusively cared for. We hope you enjoy the journey.